Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top Ten Grammar Grabbers

10. Commas, are often overused. When in doubt leave them out.

9. Grammar should be taught contextually.

8. Vivid verbs make writing pop, sparkle, sizzle.

7. "Rules" of grammar can be taught to help students succeed on standardized tests.

6. The same rules of grammar can be taught to help students improve their writing.

5. Specific nouns specify specificness specifically.

4. Appositives, nouns or phrases that add descriptiveness to writing, can help students decrease their dependence on adjectives.

3. Mind quivering, the author added an absolute to the otherwise boring sentence.

2. Grammar shy? Descriptify!

1. For a free cup of coffee, correctly edit sentences two through ten.

1/2. Not.


Not Quite a Newbie said...

SO silly. Your spin on the assignments makes me giggle.

kell9582 said...

Ha ha, you are so funny, but so right!! Rock on Grammar Man!

Timothy Lee... said...

Warren, you are hereby now officially known as "Grammar Man." Or, "Grammar, man."

I especially liked this one: Specific nouns specify specificness specifically.

How about, "specificality"?

Christy Woolum said...

Grammar Man... thank you for making me laugh one more time this evening!

Vincetastic said...

Hey Grammar Man, this is a hilarious top ten list. I, tend, to, overuse, commas. You can cross-post this to our site http://www.toptentopten.com/ and link back to your site. We are trying to create a directory for top ten lists where people can find your site. The coolest feature is you can let other people vote on the rankings of your list.